10 Problems to Avoid When Buying Real Estate


Problems to Avoid When Buying Real Estate

When finding a new home, your top priority is to find an affordable place that you love and that meets your needs. However, it’s also important to consider the future investment potential of your prospective property. Being aware of underlying problems that could impact your equity is crucial. Whether you plan to stay in your current community or anticipate future opportunities elsewhere, the ease of reselling your home will play a significant role in your next move. To safeguard your equity, here are 10 Problems to Avoid When Buying Real Estate.

To Avoid Future Problems, Here are 10 Factors to Consider When Buying a Home

  • Location, Location, Location: Is the house situated on a busy street? Consider the potential impact of traffic noise and congestion on your quality of life.
  • Steer Clear of Obstacles: Take note of any nearby obstacles or negative influences, such as apartment buildings, noisy environments, busy streets, Skytrain stations, shopping centers, radio towers, or airports. These elements can affect your peace and comfort.
  • Future Development Plans: Are there any future plans for the neighborhood that you may be unaware of? Keep an eye out for upcoming projects like highways, commercial developments, or new housing developments. These additions could increase competition when it comes time to resell your home.
  • Reputation Matters: Investigate whether the neighborhood has a poor reputation for any reason. A negative perception can impact the value and desirability of your property.
  • Corner Lot Considerations: If the house is situated on a corner lot, assess whether it compromises the usable backyard, side yard, or exposes you to excessive traffic noise.
  • Water Woes: Look out for signs of water seepage or damage within the house. These issues can lead to costly repairs and potential long-term damage.
  • Neighborhood Comparison: Evaluate whether the house stands out significantly, either in a superior or inferior way, compared to other houses in the neighborhood. This discrepancy can affect its resale value.
  • Builder’s Reputation: Research the reputation of the builder responsible for constructing the house. A poor reputation may indicate potential construction or quality issues.
  • Functional Floor Plans: Assess the layout of the house to determine if it presents any functional problems that could impact your daily life and future resale value.
  • Renovation Considerations: Consider whether you’ll need to renovate or add onto the house extensively, to the point where your costs exceed the market value significantly. Overinvesting in renovations can diminish your potential returns.
  • BONUS: What’s your return on investment and is it worth it to invest elsewhere?

By carefully considering these ten factors, you’ll make informed decisions that protect your equity and set you on the path to a successful and rewarding homeownership experience. And here are 10 more things to consider when buying a home.

About Jennifer Corrigan

About the author 

Jennifer Corrigan

Hi, I'm Jen, Excited to meet you and chat about your real estate goals. Whether you're looking to buy, sell or invest in the Greater Vancouver market, I'd love to hear your plans and share ideas.

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